We accept most major insurance plans. Please be advised, it is the patient’s responsibility to confirm if CIOS is in their network. If necessary, obtain a referral from your primary doctor before your appointment.
Please call the office to make an appointment in advance. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please call us twenty-four hours in advance so we may use that time to see another patient in need of care. Failure to do so will result in a missed appointment fee of $20.00. We value our patient/doctor relationships and enjoy helping you in your time of need. We make a sincere effort to adhere to our appointment schedule and appreciate your patience if we are late due to emergencies or hospital surgery.
We make every effort to decrease the cost of your medical care. Therefore, we request payment arrangements for all office services at the time they are rendered unless prior arrangements have been made. We accept cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover for your convenience. If we are a participating provider of your insurance company, we will bill them. However, payment is the patient’s responsibility. We will help in any way we can to assist you in handling claims.
Please request all prescriptions and authorizations for renewals between regular office hours, Monday through Friday, when our full records are available. Renewals requested at other times will be filled only for extreme or emergent circumstances.